ReVè -X- Les Alchimistes
Belgian rappers duo who is killing it in France!
At ReVè, we are all fans of rap, French US and more, so we are always trying to be aware about the upcoming artists first. Les Alchimistes are one of them, referring to Full Metal Alchemist for their name, this duo is formed by Ruzkov and Rizno:
Both are proud of their origins and they often share about Zaîre and Russia in their hardcore lyrics, helped by crazy dark beats and nicely done videos. You can find an example here:
When we first got in touch with Ruskov, we decided to create a cup in homage to his favorite booze: Beluga, and here we go:

He loved it, so we discussed then with the managers and started to work on an official cup for the rappers, here is what we have made:A dark world enlightened by a blue moon where Russia and Belgium are one, where Ruskov has his bottle of vodka (weird huh?) while Rizno is in trance wearing his favorite tee "Garçon Triste" (their brand).